-> Options:
These are the core options in Commander Keen 4.
Score Box (On or Off): This turns on or off the scorebox
in the upper left hand corner. Sometimes it is in the way, but
this isn't really too big of a problem (at least, not to me). Defaults to ON.
Two-Button Firing (On or Off): Okay, if you use
a joystick, this IS important. Back when Joysticks and gamepads had
two buttons, you could use this option to fire by hitting both jump AND pogo buttons
at the same time instead of
hitting the space bar to fire, causing you to delay more. If you have a Gravis
Gamepad, this is pointless since you can
use four buttons. Just remember- if you use this, the impossible pogo trick truly
is impossible (well, almost :P). Defaults
to OFF.
Fix Jerky Motion (On or Off): This was to fix a bug in
the game. If you see jerky motions, turn this on (duh!). If not, leave
it off. Defaults to OFF.
SVGA Compatibility (On or Off): If you have a SVGA monitor
and graphics card (which 99.99% of you do), this defaults
to on. If not, it defauts to off. If you are using a CGA or EGA monitor/graphics
card, this is greyed out.
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